When we have open auditions ALL roles are available for auditioning. We only precast shows that are not available for auditioning, which means at OPEN AUDITIONS every person has a shot at every role. We know how frustrating it can be to practice and practice for a role you want only to find out that the leads were precast. If you know our artistic director then you know how he loves new talent and will have no issue placing new actors in lead roles. 

  • First and foremost, the production team will look for ENTHUSIASM, meaning excitement, passion, and a willingness to take direction.
    We do not expect anyone to be a professional when auditioning for us; the creative team will get you where you need to be.
  • We will provide all material, unless posted by the auditions announcement on our site or social media. 
  • Please expect to sing or read for other parts, not just the one you are auditioning for. 
  • Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing and try to warm up your voice by singing out loud before your audition.
  • Auditions are normally closed to non-auditioning people, since we all get nervous.

Please contact us about any inquires involving auditions and materials at info@neverlandtheatrecompany.org or on our Facebook page.